Saturday, January 31, 2009

These are my first 4x5 images. The bottom image, Thomas On The Porch, is the first one I ever shot with the new camera. It is a little under exposed but I am pretty proud of it. The top image, Angela's Worst Portrait, shows me that I'm getting a better hold on manipulating my focus, which was the reason I started working with this camera. I am entering these two images in a student show hosted by Arts Worcester. It has been a long week, but two ruined mats and one piece of broken glass later the images are in and I'm excited to see what happens next. I don't expect to place but I hope both of these pieces make it into the show. I put a price on them and they are up for sale but I'm worried I wont be able to part with them. Luckily I probably wont have to.

1 comment:

Annie Cohn said...

wanna come practice doing something for me and then screw up everything you do for yourself?

still sorry about that!